Monday, April 15, 2013

Iceberg Treasure Hunt

With Summer coming I wanted to catch up on some of our activities from last year that I never had the chance to blog about!

This was just a great way to beat the heat! Although if I had to do it all over again I would make several smaller blocks instead of one giant block. The ice was so thick and hard that it took a lot more effort for the kids to dig out the treasure then I had intended. After about 15 minutes they gave up and let the sun do the work for them!

For this activity I found a variety of toys that wouldn't be ruined by the water or being frozen. I froze one layer of toys and water at a time to ensure that there would be plenty of toys throughout the block of ice. I found that most of the toys, because they were plastic, floated to the top of the water. It took a couple of days to complete this block of ice! The kids found a variety of tools and objects to help excavate!

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